Monday, October 24, 2005

Anthill Rallies Against Proposed Development
at East Howard and Hillyer Street

Though it involves property that has been zoned commercial for nearly 40 years and adheres rigidly to the Decatur Master Plan [a collaborative work of hundreds of citizens investing countless hours of their own time over the span of two decades], George Rohrig’s proposed Hillyer Street mixed-use development has come under fire recently by the insect residents of an adjacent anthill.

“We’ve had it,” said Mr. Ant, spokes-ant for the group. “We’ve been walked on long enough.”

At issue is the project’s proposed height of 80 feet. Though consistent with the property’s zoning, anthill residents feel strongly that it constitutes an inappropriate stature for adjacent development — not an unpopular sentiment. In fact, the controversy has been further intensified by similar discontent from the human residents of the nearby Old Decatur Depot Neighborhood, who have initiated a protest campaign of their own.

Asked if he felt the ants’ cause would be furthered by surrounding homeowners joining the fray, Mr. Ant was blunt. “Frankly,” he grumbled, “they’re undermining our efforts. I mean, 80 feet. What is that, maybe three times the height of your average house? Oh, boo-hoo. Cry me a river. I’m talking about a proposed structure over 15,000 times taller than your average ant. I ask you, who’s got the legitimate complaint here?”

So far, Rohrig has failed to sit down with the ants to hear their grievances. “I wouldn’t know what to say or, more specifically, how to say it,” he offered. “Don’t they speak via telepathy or with high pitched squeals of some kind?”

Ultimately, such a meeting may not come to pass. “I doubt they’ll be taken seriously,” said a city official who has refused to broker a meeting. “You have to remember, regardless of their place of residence, these members of the insect kingdom don’t qualify as citizens.”

“Typical,” said Ant, when asked for comment. “Just typical.”


Anonymous said...

We're supposed to be an "inclusive" community here in Decatur. How can an "Evil Developer" be allowed to overlook such an important constituency? By total weight, insects are clearly the dominant life form in Decatur, and our city management has a history of dismissing their concerns.
Our six-legged neighbors could teach us a thing or two about high-density housing. Why do we not listen and learn?

Anonymous said...

Density, sure, but I'm not sure I share ant's fondness for subterranean living! Depends who the Queen is down there, I suppose...

Daniel Levesque said...

Good sttire, I enjoyed it.
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